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Nikora Group participated in the charity run

"Nikora" Group participated in the charity run in Kakheti. Our participants successfully contested and covered a maximum 25-kilometer distance. The tenth-anniversary run was held in Kakheti under the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth of Georgia and the National Federation “Sport for Everybody”.    

Tour of the scholarship holders of Nikora in the enterprise

Our scholarship holders visited us in "Nikora". We hosted the students of the Faculty of Food Technology of the Agricultural University first at the enterprise, and then at a delicious tasting. Students had the opportunity to get to know the production processes and professionally evaluate the taste qualities of our meat products. "Nikora" continues to provide scholars...

Nikora continues to issue scholarships

Food technology is one of the professions of the future world. Interest in this area never weakens. On the contrary, together with the development and improvement of the food market, more and more attention is given to this profession and the young generation expresses more interest in this area as well. Nikora, the largest meat products company in Georgia, has been taking care of encouraging stud...

Nikora is the general sponsor of Art-Gene Festival

For this year “Nikora” is still the general sponsor of everybody’s favourite “Art-Gene” festival.  From July 15, we will be awaiting you at the Museum of Ethnography, where you will find a resting space arranged specially for you and you will also be treated to our delicious food. For those, who admire relaxing in an open space, grilled hot dogs and listeni...

Recipes From Nikora

About Company

"Nikora Group", one of the leading food producing companies on Georgian market, founded back in 1998 produces everyone’s favorite sausages "Rdziani" and "Iveria". 

"Nikora’s" working strategy is a sustainable development, permanent expansion, implementation as well as introduction of new skills and novelties. The most important reason for company’s success is connected to the fact that the holding produces up to 500 products and along with meat it includes other products of food industry. 

Enterprises of half-finished products, fish, dairy products, ice-cream, bread, salads, frozen confectionary and wine producers are merged together in "Nikora Group". The company is also actively engaged in the import of well-known products from authoritative foreign factories to produce its own, meanwhile the absence of the necessary farming products needed for local production is taking place in the country.

"Intrade" is the daughter company of "Nikora Group", which imports globally known alcohol drinks and beverages from foreign countries to Georgia.

"Nikora Group" is also one of the largest employers in the country. More than 9000 people work in the company and this number is growing proportionally to the company’s development.

"Nikora Group" is one of the first among Georgian food producing companies, which for many years holds ISO 9001 : 2015; ISO 22000 : 2018 standards and has introduced the HACCP system, in production, as well as in management fully respects internationally recognized quality control and food safety rules and standards.

25 years’ experience, consistently high-quality products, a diverse range of assortment, converge of price and value and permanent dialogue with the society leads "Nikora’s" customers to trust and loyalty.

Ltd “Nikora”: 400132183

Addr: 2, A. Mrevlishvili Str

The Essential Guide to Sports Equipment for Fitness Enthusiasts

In the world of fitness, the right equipment can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your workout routine. Whether you're practicing yoga, engaging in strength training, or just looking to enhance your overall fitness experience, selecting the appropriate gear is crucial. This article explores various types of sports equipment, including коврики для йоги, Массажные ролики, коврики для фитнеса, and why it's important to купить гантели for a comprehensive fitness regimen.

Коврики для йоги: Foundation for Your Practice

Yoga mats are fundamental for anyone engaging in yoga, Pilates, or even general fitness exercises. The right mat provides not only comfort but also stability, ensuring that you maintain the correct posture and alignment during your exercises. Коврики для йоги come in various thicknesses and materials, each offering different benefits. For example, a thicker mat provides better cushioning for your joints, which is particularly beneficial for practices that involve a lot of kneeling or lying down. On the other hand, a thinner mat may offer better stability and balance.

Массажные ролики: Enhancing Recovery and Flexibility

Массажные ролики are excellent tools for improving muscle recovery and flexibility. These rollers are designed to target specific muscle groups, helping to relieve tension and improve blood circulation. Using a roller after a workout can significantly reduce muscle soreness and enhance your overall recovery process. Additionally, regular use of massage rollers can help prevent injuries by keeping your muscles and connective tissues flexible and resilient.

Коврики для фитнеса: Versatile and Essential

For those who prefer a more varied workout routine, коврики для фитнеса are an essential piece of equipment. These mats are designed to be versatile, accommodating a range of exercises from core workouts to strength training. They provide a non-slip surface that ensures stability during high-intensity exercises, and they also offer enough cushioning to protect your joints. Fitness mats are available in different sizes and materials, so you can choose one that best suits your workout style and environment.

Почему стоит купить гантели

Strength training is a key component of any balanced fitness regimen, and one of the most accessible and effective tools for this purpose is the dumbbell. When you купить гантели, you open up a world of possibilities for improving muscle strength, endurance, and even cardiovascular health. Dumbbells are ideal for both beginners and advanced athletes, allowing for a wide range of exercises that target different muscle groups. Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose weight, or simply maintain your fitness level, incorporating dumbbells into your routine is a smart choice.

In conclusion, choosing the right sports equipment, from коврики для йоги to купить гантели, can significantly enhance your fitness journey. By investing in quality gear, you not only improve your performance but also reduce the risk of injury and make your workouts more enjoyable.

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