Nikora is the First in Georgia to Launch the Production of Summer Saus...
"Nikora" was the first in Georgia to launch the production of the summer sausages under the trademark of "Kaiser" that is considered to be delicacy worldwide.
Proceeding from the unique and centuries-old technology of its production, it takes a special place at the feast in many countries. The meat of the highest quality is usedfor the production process. Drying and smoking stage last...
Nikora – 10 Years of the Quality
On December 22, at 12:00 the press conference was held at the Head Office of JSC "Nikora" in connection with the Company's 10th anniversary. The management of the holding company familiarized the journalists with the results of the activities for the last 10 years and presented the production of a new line –"Saiubileo" (Anniversary).
The frankfurter of "Saiubileo" ...
Okeane Launched the Production of Trout Caviar
From December 1, thesalmon caviar produced in the fishery of "Okeane" is available in the chain of "Nikora". One can purchase the mentioned product by weight or in a packaged form.
We would remind you that the caviar is rich in vital proteins, fat, A,D and PP vitamins. It strengthens the immune system, improves vision and is recommended for infants.